F**k Perfect!


Proceed with caution...
This is where it gets raw and real. Ready to experience the messy human state in all it's guts and grandeur?

No apologies, no self help manuals, just the gritty truth of my own perfectly imperfect unreasonable journey.

Permission to be authentic? Granted!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Foundations faltering? Part 2 fffffffood!

Ever hear of a food hang over? Ever have one?

My motive for choosing healthy live whole foods because I actually desire them, (rather then because I "should"eat them), is one of the gifts of doing the "4 bodies work". 

The result is a natural ability to listen to what my physical body is asking for.By nourishing my body, my temple, it runs well. I sleep better, I have sustained energy, and more focus. I feel confidant and strong.It was not always this way! I have a tangled twisted herstory with food. When I lived mainly in my head, before I was able to distinguish between the image in the mirror and who I AM, my emotions dictated when I starved myself, when and what I ate. I was spiritually cut off and living (not really living,more like going through the motions) without purpose. I perceived food and my body as the enemy.On my journey back home to the wisdom of my body, I have used one simple but extremely effective tool in healing my relationship with food and finally developing a relationship with my body. That tool is pausing before I eat to sit and give thanks. This isn't a religious ritual, as much as a moment to reflect on where this food came from. Who planted, tended, and harvested this food? How many hands worked to bring me this meal? Thank you. Somewhere stands an apple tree that grew this apple I'm about to eat. Thank you. I spend a moment with my body realizing it's amazing ability to receive and know exactly what to do with food to serve my highest health. Thank you. Soon the gratitude is palpable, I can sense it tingling through me. When I eat I am now conscious of the miracle at hand!Artist: Hall