I’m writing
to you from the sky. I’m on the plane to Mexico. These words are the last
minute wrappings of any professional duties before I completely surrender my
brain and body to a much craved winter vacation. Yes it’s 6am and I just got a
little rowdy. I ordered a Bloody Mary to pad the transition from work to play.
Caution: this could go rogue any minute.
Once upon a
dream there was a diligently devoted Dame of Duty (and let’s get honest, it was drudgery). She was a gold medalist, breaking records and hearts on her conveyor
belt of everlasting toil and tasks. A first world entrepreneur, (wow “first
world”? Nothing existed before us? Such a mix of arrogance, privilege, and
pathetic, and yeah, I’m going with it anyway.) she was beholden to a bold but
bizarre work ethic. She would stop at nothing to get the job done. Wearing her
badge of workaholic faith, she abandoned family, friends, entertainment, even
food and sleep She probably even passed up sex just to check that one last
thing off her to do list before retiring for her 4 hours of beauty sleep.
In the midst
of her magnificent flow of fierce productivity, out of nowhere swung the
inevitable cosmic 2x4. You know the one. It lays you flat on your sweet ass. It
was the mirage in the desert she was galloping towards that turned out to be no
mirage at all, rather a quite tangible solid brick wall.
Only as she
lay in the wreckage of her shit and shock did it all begin to make sense. There
were signs along the way she refused to see.
Like when
she missed her brother’s wedding because with the flight and all, the timing
just didn’t work, or the fact that she hadn’t been out with the girls in oh…
two and a half years? Really, had it been that long?
The lazy
Sundays of sleeping in, cuddling, watching movies and strolling to the coffee
shop were either distant memories or something she watched in a Nicholas Spark
movie. To put it bluntly she had put all her eggs in her fancy, hope gilded
career basket. She failed to recognize that in her efficiency and fast tracking
she’d been riding the crazy train.
If you’re reading this and haven’t connected the dots back your self; I’m here
to burst your blissful bubble of naivety. The rest of you have a self-signed
copy of this tragic novella on your internal bookshelf.
spiritual sledgehammer comes in a variety unrelated forms, bodily injuries,
divorce, disease, maybe depression, whatever it takes to get your attention. In
the end it kicks your ass regardless. Its not so subtle message boils down to
this: “Bitch, slow it down. I mean NOW”.
grand sweeping displays of flagrant self-care might be just what your inner
lady is calling for.
concocted an infallible formula for this imperative.
I call it
the holy art of rest and play.
1.) PLAY
Most of us don’t even
know how to play. In classes I lead, I often ask students to share how they
play. What I most commonly hear are things like, “I read books, I go for long
walks, I work out, I watch a sunset, or I meditate.”
So if you took a pack of
5 yr olds and told them these were on the menu for playing, they’d burst into
to tears and want to go home.
Oddly enough playing
takes effort. Most adults suck at it.
Ask yourself how do you
play? I mean really play! Can you put away agenda, restrictions, logical
objective, or strategies and just play? Be silly, laugh, explore, be
nonsensical and outrageous!
Sleep is usually first
on the list. It’s good and totally necessary. I give it two thumbs up. As a
matter of fact I’m a total nap beast.
In the vast spectrum between work and slumber
there are heaps of relaxation variants I invite you to explore. How do you
relax without totally checking out? I’m not talking about mindless internet
browsing, Netflix, or snoring. After your inner child had been let out to
frolic and romp let the pursuit of relaxation begin!
Okay that being said, my
plane is about to land and I’ve got some boogie boarding, Frisbee playing, and
hammock lolling to do.
(finishing this post 2 weeks later...)
When my ladies arrived for our retreat, my head was clear and my heart wide open. I got to resume the amazing work I do in this world with a fresh appreciation and perspective.
(finishing this post 2 weeks later...)
When my ladies arrived for our retreat, my head was clear and my heart wide open. I got to resume the amazing work I do in this world with a fresh appreciation and perspective.
Are you postponing self
care, relaxation, play, and restoration? What’s your excuse? Is it money, time,
or an endless task list that is sabotaging you? Please check in with
your body. Take even one day and devote yourself to yourself. This is the key to sustainable success…Trust
me I’ve had to learn the hard way. Yep I still have the scars to prove it!