I am just reminded that while I'm out there inspiring light in others, coaching my peeps back to them Selves, there is one privilege before me that is greater than ANY event, client, presentation, contract or contact.
It's the life I am cradling and shaping, the life I brought into the world, my baby who is a boy turning man. A teenager ready to take on the world, so cool, curious, and creative! no matter how he distances himSelf from me, it's fleeting. He's right there telling me about the latest band, the coolest video game, (Yes, even raised a Waldorf kid, for those of you with younger children, those of you still having your idealism in tact..allow me to shatter it for you!) It's all about Facebook, and heavy metal, or punk rock these days (came with the summer mohawk)
The details aren't important, what I'm getting at is the freedom in throwing out the idealism, in releasing my agenda for him.
When I show up present, authentic, open, (like I would for you or a client) I become curious and entertained by who he is becoming. It's all about the questions, deep listening, checking in with my neutrality. Continually tossing out the judgments, the assuming. When the alarms go off, asking more questions. Over and over again I find the gold inside him. I find an open minded young man exploring ideas, styles, questioning authority (mine included) The rules remain in place, he is held strong. He knows how to think, not what to think! He pulls out values along with his logic. Often I find myself learning new facts that open my mind. Suspending my lecturing, and know it all attitude, the connection we have is secured. I don't believe we have to lose our teenagers. I do believe it is up to us to stay open and curious about there process. Maybe that is just more idealism, for now I'll keep trying it, it seems to be working.
I saw a bumper sticker yesterday, it read: The most important thing you can spend on you kids is TIME!
This is the most important position I will EVER hold in life! Showing up for our children is mandatory! Not just in that drive you around, wash your laundry, "did you do your homework" sort of way, but in that REAL heartfelt way. Don't check that message, let the e-mail be...climb into your child's reality, instead of trying to drag them into yours!
Here are some must have tools....
Earnest Listening
Conscious communication
Intentional touch
Energy awareness
Maybe I should start teaching these allies to more than just the Beauty Industry????