Yesterday I was joined by 7 precious women who came together courageously and opened up their hearts and voices to share, learn, and heal their relationships with food and their bodies.
This Playshop was particularly personal and even a little scary for me. I stepped out of the shame of my herstory of eating disorders, and embraced the gift of that wound. I experienced a deeper healing in telling my old food story, and passing on what I have learned through out my slow decade of healing and new consciousness around food, and my body!
I was especially touched and inspired by one of the women, who is living quite a unique life. This fabulous lively woman is blind and deaf , she is also a single mother of two! Wow! What a blessing to meet her and see the power of intention, attitude, and curiosity!
I look forward to September's Playshop "Creating More Time". Sept 25 th 1-4 pm.
If your first thought was, "I can't do that, I'm just too busy", then make the time for this Playshop, I created it just for you! We will look at the time and energy leaks in our lives. Learn a brilliant system for weekly scheduling that allows us to accomplish goals that reflect what is most important to us.
Let's question the story of "Getting it all done", and explore how to enjoy time with family and friends, and still have time for ourSelves! And yes we can still fulfill the mundane tasks with mindfulness, and proper priority placement. It is possible, come learn how!
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