Come to us however you are.
Come whole.
Come broken.
Come and gather your pieces here.
Bring your heart and mind and soul, and know that we hold space for you.
If you are stuck, sit in the center of us, and we will buoy you forward, like a lifeboat on the tide. Even if four of us are stuck, we are strong enough. Even if half of us are stuck or hurt, we are strong enough. Even if ALL but one are unable to move, that one is strong enough.
And if we were all unable to move, every one of us broken or scared or stuck, we would join arms, look upward to the Great One, and scream. We would reclaim our power, as one, and then each take it with us, back to our lives. Our ferocity.
So come if you are RADIANT. So radiant you're afraid to blind us!
And come if you are in shadows, so shadowed you're afraid to mar us.
Come. However you are, BE WITH US. Be here, in our circle.
Because we are a circle that meets and holds one another -
with golden shimmering ties of love -
that neither time nor distance can efface.
May LOVE hold us and buoy us forward, beating hearts of sisterhood. RIGHT at this moment, beating. Living. Hands held for our lifetimes.
guest blogger Mary Agnes Antonopoulos
Mary Agnes Antonopoulos, Vividly Woman Leader Sister, is a writer and social media expert and coach.