F**k Perfect!


Proceed with caution...
This is where it gets raw and real. Ready to experience the messy human state in all it's guts and grandeur?

No apologies, no self help manuals, just the gritty truth of my own perfectly imperfect unreasonable journey.

Permission to be authentic? Granted!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How much P are you putting Your ool?

Yep there is some scary shit going on in the world right now.
 I won't deny that. As a matter of fact I can not think of a time since I've been alive or before that, when there wasn't some scary shit going on in this crazy world of ours.

AND there is a lot more normal okay stuff going on at the same time. For example, the very fact that millions of people commute to work everyday in a somewhat cooperative manner is miraculous and says a lot about humanity. With each of us engaging in our own neurotic mind chatter, we still manage to merge onto freeways, stop at traffic lights, not run over pedestrians. HELLO?! As mundane as that may sound, just stop and just marvel at these sane daily human interactions. WOW. We're pretty amazing.

What about the random acts of kindness, the courage, forgiveness, tenacity, joy, humor, and other pure awesomeness that is happening constantly all around you?
What? Are you missing it? Are you even looking for it?
I'm afraid too many of us are not.

How do most people start their morning? The news. Ugh. Not just the news, but a very specific biased fear ridden lens of what is considered "news". What a bizarre way to calibrate, talk about putting on your gloom and doom glasses! Then as if that isn't enough to make you want to throw yourself off of the first tall building you see, you go back for more, for news updates, commentary, and don't forget the evening news.

I was recently in a hotel gym in Dallas. The gym was pretty tricked out and fab except for one thing, the gargantuan TV that was blaring Fox News. I had my ear buds in, listening to my workout tunes as loud as my little ear drums could handle, and still I couldn't completely drown out the toxic mantra. I could clearly make out three words over and over and over again. Gouged into my pysche were these 3 fear laced buzz words:  ISIS, Ebola, and terrorism. 

Talk about polluting my inner space, peeing in my pool, poisoning my attitude. I could feel it like a hangover casting its shadow on my disposition. I felt hopeless and defeated,  overwhelmed by issues I had no real control over. The worst part being the issues I did have control over were tainted by my dismal outlook on life that day.

Why? Why would we intentionally do that to ourselves? Yeah we all get it. Things aren't perfect, sometimes they straight up suck. F**k perfect! What is going right? What are you inspired about? Start your day with some of that!

I am not opposed to being informed. I am asking you to be equally informed. Inform yourself of the kindness, the heart warming, the pee your pants from laughing so hard, the REST of what is happening all day every day!

Notice your conversations. What are you leading with? Are you spreading the despair? Enough bitching about world problems, unless you're offering a realistic solution that you're ready to be an active agent in, then please shut up already! I dare  you to bring something else. Bring your own version of inspiration, peace, humor, and compassion to the world. 

Todays permission slip goes out to you News junkies, I give you permission to turn it off. Get off the couch. Go for  a walk. Listen to birds singing. Watch a sunset. Meet your neighbor, chances are you'll find out he's not a terrorist.  Become accountable for what your putting into your mind and for what you let come out your mouth.

What do you say?