F**k Perfect!


Proceed with caution...
This is where it gets raw and real. Ready to experience the messy human state in all it's guts and grandeur?

No apologies, no self help manuals, just the gritty truth of my own perfectly imperfect unreasonable journey.

Permission to be authentic? Granted!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Is Your LOVE The Real Deal? (Or are you as full of shit as the rest of us?)

I keep reading about unconditional love, and I feel the need to share an ever-emerging uhoh.

There is no such thing as conditional love. Bummer #1 folks, here it is: When there are conditions all over your love, ahem it’s no longer love. That’s a real pisser, huh?!

While I’m on the topic, newsflash to all of us (especially me, always to me, hear that Self? Yeah I’m talking to you.) There is no love shortage!

Why do I withhold my love? Is there some love drought and I need to be conserving? Or maybe there is a test, and only the loveliest, kindest, most compassionate beings make the grade. (Bummer #2: Turns out the easiest people to love are usually those in the least need of it. They’re tanks are pretty full, hence the loveliness.)

Apparently I thought someone appointed me to be the hotshot decider, director, and dispenser of love. You have to work for my love, work hard for it.  You must toil all day in the hot dusty love fields. Did you get my updated rules and regulations of love? Go away I’m no longer accepting your counterfeit Love vouchers. They don’t bear the certification stamp of my  philosophy, income bracket, religion, politics, race, sexual orientation, etc., just get out!

Let’s up the ante and go with the old biblical saying, “God is Love”. What happens now when I block Love? Oops I’m blocking God. (She had to bring in God and make it all religious.) Well shit.

Stay with me, let’s examine it through the Christian religious lens (only because that is the one I’m most versed in.) Jesus threw down some pretty tough stuff in his day. Crazy notions like, (some might even go so far as to call them commandments) no really guys, this one is supremely important, listen up, this is where it gets tricky, where your actions speak louder than your words. This is where the rubber meet the road, where you walk your talk, where you better live it to give it…Ready?

“LOVE your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” Doh. Don’t be mad at me. He said it, I didn’t. Kick in the self-righteous ass, huh?

Who are my enemies? At first I say no one. Then I stop lying, off the top of my head I’d say: racists, corporate money mongers, environmental destroyers, human rights oppressors, and sadly the list goes on. Okay I have my work cut out for me. Instead of ranting and screaming in their faces, instead of blowing them up and breaking their war toys, rather than posting my own anti-THEM memes all over FB, I’m supposed to L.O.V.E. them? Yeah, I agree that’s a tough pill to slide down my hypocritical throat.

Okay shake off the religion if I got any on ya. Let’s dial it down a notch and just talk about the less horrible people in our lives, the people we kind of already love: Our family, friends, children, spouses, those sorts. When I do a love check up to see if there are any leaks in my love hoses, if I need new filters, you know a general love lube and oil change, *wince* I’m frankly shocked and embarrassed. Without examination it’s easy for me to assume I am the greatest, most benevolent, love generator of all time. Underneath that is another reality, which repeatedly turns up incongruent with my ego’s self glorified version. Truth be told, a lot of the time I suck at loving. If you’re in my life and you didn’t call me back I might just make up a story in which you are the evil agent of all darkness and suffering here to snuff the light out of me, (especially if you are my husband not calling or texting me). Or the way my “love” suddenly jack knifes when my 19yr old son lights up a cigarette, wth? This one is a fave, brace yourself. I have certain members of my family who want to vote for Drumpf. Who can love that??? Help!

As far as I can tell, Love isn’t something in us. Love is everywhere all the time. Love creates us. It is us.  It is all the space between us. We can’t stop it or make it go away, we can only deny it. The moment we do, we are in suffering, separation, loneliness, greed, jealousy, hate, despair,… you fill in the blank.

I don’t have the answers, just some questions worth asking yourself, questions I am regularly asking myself. Here they are. You’re welcome to use them.

1.)  What does it mean to truly love?
2.)  How can I be even more loving right now?
3.)  What might happen if I chose love right now (instead of this other thing uncomfortable thing I’m doing?)
4.)  Where am I denying Love, (where am I denying God?)

I say I want peace. If I truly want peace, where do I start, if not within my own loving heart and home? Busted.