I feel like most of my peeps and readers already know this, but just in case, let me throw down some basic context, some hooks to hang this stuff on.
We are co-creating the new world and the old world simultaneously. (And a ton of alternate versions in between.)
For simplicity sake we'll call it the Fear world and the Love world. We're in constant creation of one or the other. Currently we reside in both, kind of a back'n'forth thing. Hopping timelines? I've recently been in conversations with people who thought they were losing their minds, because their physical home actually changes, as in material objects are in different locations based on which version of the world they are inhabiting. It's that real. I've witnessed it myself.
The only differences between the worlds or dimensions is frequency. Two people can live in the same geographical location while existing in two different worlds. What is available to one doesn't even exist to the other based on what frequency they're operating at. Like a dog whistle your pup is responding to, it's sound you can't hear. There are actually whole worlds you can't hear. (Yeah Horton knows.)
The Ascension is underway. The ascension is one of frequency, not a lifting off of Earth and being whisked away to some heavenly realm. There are people right now already there, I mean here. Maybe you know some of them, their life is literally a paradise? It seems heartache, violence, even dissonance don't exist for them. Is it possible? I dare you to find out.
The Matrix is dissolving. Like an old concrete prison being taken over with lush vegetation, think of dandelions pushing up through concrete, this new reality is growing itself in, around, up, and through the old one. We don't have to waste time trying to change the old ways, or dismantle the patriarchal fortress. We need only to focus and participate in the new ways of thinking and being. Basically feed our attention (energy) into this fast growing garden of what will be.
People are waking up. We're popping like popcorn! When my almost 70yr old flag waving white Christian mother has more than one Ayahuasca ceremony under her belt, ahem change is underway folks! A change bigger than you or I, a shift that encompasses the whole enchilada.
There is work to be done. Despite the negative connotation the word "work" may have for some of you, it really does take some work. We have collectively been put to sleep. The mother hum of our culture is loud and intentionally numbing. If you should choose to be an active agent (it's happening with or without you, but we really want you to join the party!) you will be required to wake yourself up over and over again. I call it spiritual amnesia. Everything is crystal clear, I'll never forget why I'm here. I remember what this is all about! 20 minutes later I'm browsing Netflix lost in the cultural laudanum again. Seriously? Yes it takes vigilance. I make myself recordings and then listen back over them again and again. Remember the movie, Total Recall? Yeah.
There are a lot of tips and guidelines that will make things a lot smoother. Here are a few to get ya started:
- Turn off your TV/computer/phone/ipad/unnamed gadget. Spend time each morning and evening unplugged.
- Get outside in nature!
- Meditate. I don't care if you don't know how. Learn. There's a million free tutorials on youtube. There's classes, books, and more. Just do it. I have some free guided meditations you're more than welcome to use.
- Journal. Leave yourself notes on your insights. It's like field notes from the higher self to the lower self. Write it down or it will evaporate. This is a dense place we currently still inhabit. If you don't pull it from the ether to material realm and ground it, chances are it will dissipate like a dream. (Again, Total Recall.)
- No more us vs them. Notice every place, every time you are creating division, then stop! Whether it's religion, politics (yes that means Trump), race, age, anything that creates separation- let it go. (Clearly I don't have this mastered from the looks of the racist, ageist, political, description of my mom, above. Oops, love you mama!)
- Joseph Campbell said it best, "He who thinks he knows, doesn't know. He who knows that he doesn't know, knows." Stay in humble beginner's mind.
That's enough to get you going. Once you are going, get ready for shit to get even crazier. It will. That's a promise.
- The coincidences will laugh in your fickle face, becoming so bold and blatant you'll have to start calling them synchronicities, magick, or divine kisses as I like to call them.
- An uncanny space will open up wherein you will experience Choice like never before. No longer will the constant regret of your old knee jerk reactions plague you. Because in this sweet timeless space in between "What happened to me" and "What I'm gonna do about it", you will wait leisurely for your normal trigger to emerge. Meanwhile a catalog of other possible sexy, and sane responses will offer themselves up for your choosing. This beautiful world of choice has been there all along, but now you will have access to it, baby. It's a game changer!
- You'll meet the coolest people! And they will feel like your long lost tribe. (Only because they are.)
- Your conversations will be ones of solution, hope, possibility, acknowledgement, and sharing/receiving divine insights. Conversations of gossip, commiseration, complaining, and mundane chitchat will actually make you feel physically ill. You'll sense contraction in your body and either redirect the conversation or leave it.
- Time is malleable. More amazingness fits into less time. The old linear model no longer exits. Time is an ever opening mandala, it's also an infinite space of all time happening at once.
- Along with the last one...you'll find yourself being everyone. Yep sounds crazy. I Am That, I Am. You are All of it, and you'll start to glimpse that more and more. (Not only when you're on mushrooms ;)
- What once felt all encompassing, daunting and impenetrable is suddenly amusing, flimsy, and effortless.
- Your MO becomes wholistic and systemic. No decision is made for you alone. What is good for one, is good for all. What is good for all, is good for one. If it hurts someone/thing else you intuitively know that it will also hurt you.
Everything is being expedited. It's time for all of us to recognize each other. No more comparing my gifts vs your gifts. Each of us has a puzzle piece. Let the world see yours, so we can allow our synergy to amplify the merging. Stop letting money lock up the good stuff. Trust that there's enough to go around and share the good shit already! It's time to activate one another's awakening. When you see a divine flicker in someone, call it forth!
I'm a weirdo, you're a weirdo. So what? Get over it. The time for external approval is over. Homogeny is overrated, oh and deadly to an ecosystem btw.
In closing let me thank my brilliant, beloved husband. He distilled the entire cosmic inquiry into a super user friendly mantra. He took what was more of a cliche for me and fortified it with application and meaning. Ready for it? Before taking action, try the ultimate GPS question: AM I choosing this out of Love or Fear?
Boom. Choose Love. duh.