For many of us the holiday cheer goes straight to our rear, thighs or love handles more like it.
Not only are many of us triggered emotionally this time of year, BUT everywhere we look there's oh so tasty sugary treats, and delicious drinks laden with heavy cream and alcohol. It's a disassociater's paradise.
What is your #1 pitfall? Deprivation!
Do not go to a party and plan to chew only sugar free gum and sip on carbonated water in between lip gloss applications. Not only will you be bored out of your wits, you'll be BORING! Yes, you may look totally hot in that dress, but if it was all about looks they would've requested you send a picture of yourself, instead of your person. Besides, the look of self sacrifice upon your face will crash anything the dress had going on.
In this kind of all or nothing mentality, your extreme self will and obsessive self monitoring will keep you preoccupied. You'll be stuck your head going over and over your taboo list only half listening to the conversation, irritable, and fake.
What's your strategy?
My favorite trick. Use it all year round! Mama knew what she was talking about... eat your vegetables!!! I'll say it again louder, EAT YOUR VEGETABLES!
Before you leave home. Eat a big salad, not a puny lettuce and tomato salad either, put all sorts of crunchy texture, taste, color variety in. The more nutrients you're packing into each calorie, the less hunger and less craving you experience. Or fill up on a delicious stir fry. Dr. Fuhrman author of Eat to Live, points out a few things that make sooo much sense.
1) Volume: If your stomach is empty you'll probably end up gorging on crap.
2) Nutrients per calorie: Many overweight people are malnourished and actually starving. Empty calories are nearly void of nutritional value. If your nutritional needs are not being met you will be wanting to eat all the time! Eat nutritionally dense meals. Ironically, more micro nutrients = less calories.
3) Calorie Counting? Lots of unnecessary work, Pay attention to what's in your calories.
All this to say, after you've set the foundation, filling up with some healthy pre-party food, go to the party, have a drink, eat some dessert, enjoy the Holiday season! Make socializing, or dancing the main event, rather than eating or drinking. Everything in moderation. You'll be fine, no you'll be fantastic!
Remember life is meant to be enjoyed. If your strategy lets you enjoy life, your far more likely to succeed!
Collage, "joy" by Kara McKay