Some call it the birth of the sun. It was celebrated for ages before Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanza. (Pardon me if I missed any others.) Back when religion had more to do with earth, sun, weather, stars, rain, etc. gods and goddesses were created to ensure fertility of crops, animals, and people.
Mistle toe, holly, lights (fires), gift giving, and more all are survivors of this lineage. Somewhere along the line the church got tired of the battle they lost year after year. Suppressing the peasant festivals, ceremonies and rituals. If you can't beat em, join em! Slap your holiday right over theirs and everyone can celebrate.
Break out the festive meats and cheeses, it's time to celebrate the birth of Jesus, or is it? It still comes as shock to many of us, that Jesus wasn't born on Christmas, or even in winter. Bethlehem's tax season was in the spring. There's no harm in celebrating Christmas as the birth of Christ, and good to be educated on the facts. How can we bicker about other cultural celebrations happening this time of year when we realize how we've all borrowed and begged of each other's ideas, cultures, and traditions over the centuries? Remember, nothing has any meaning other than the meaning you give it.
As for Solstice, if you choose, it's a nice time for releasing the old, leaving it in the darkness and embracing the new as we step into winter's first light.
As for me, I'll celebrate every chance I get. Life's too short to squabble over parties. The more the merrier!
What is your favorite holiday tradition?