F**k Perfect!


Proceed with caution...
This is where it gets raw and real. Ready to experience the messy human state in all it's guts and grandeur?

No apologies, no self help manuals, just the gritty truth of my own perfectly imperfect unreasonable journey.

Permission to be authentic? Granted!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is your foundation faltering? Part 1

Let's take a look at our foundations, our roots.

There are 5 foundations of Self that must be tended in order for anything we're creating to grow strong!

I've spent years in Self sacrifice, believing that everything and everyone else took priority over my petty needs. Ahem, that was a series of disappointments and disasters!

If you'e expecting something esoteric and electrifying coming next, stop reading now.

Foundation #1

The topic of the hour is SLEEP. Yes that warm cozy nocturnal blanket of restoration so many of us deny ourselves. I realize there are times in our lives when sleep eludes us, and there is a grab bag full of other valid reasons for sleep disruption. Set those aside, relax your defenses, grab a cup of chamomile and snuggle in.

My favorite time to create, and achieve is while the rest of the house sleeps. I held onto this story for along time until I realized while this my be true, I no longer have the luxury of sleeping in til noon. (Is that even possible anymore? It's be fun to find out). The morning parade of family, home, clients, and a bagillion other requests, calls, unexpected upsets, and gifts goes on whether I'm on my game or not.

When I am rested:
 I can really show up for my life in a way that matters.
 I am clear headed and thoughtful in my approach.
 I notice opportunity and seize it! My eyeballs don't feel like lead weights waiting to fall out of my head roll across the floor!
I have foresight.
Here's the big one: I am emotionally clear! Less drama and heart ache! I don't take things personally.

There are a couple sure fire things that drastically affect my ability to sleep, let me share them with you.

~Computer off at least 1 hour before bed time.
~No caffeine after 11am
~Exercising early in the day, makes me a tired girl by bed time!
~EAR PLUGS! These have been a godsend!

The real issue is boundaries. If I set them it's up to me to keep them. Can I trust myself to keep my agreements with myself??? YES, I am delighted to say, more and more of the time the answer is yes!

What are you noticing that supports or interferes with your sleep? After all it is one of the 5 foundations to a sane and successful life, and a healthy vibrant body!