Let's talk about sensuality. This is a word that has been under-defined to say the least!
When I say that word, people often squirm. (sometimes it's a good squirm, other times a more frigid squirm). Thoughts go immediately to things of a sexual nature and for some that's uncomfortable.
When I say sensual I'm talking about your whole body. (yes I've seen the photo of a woman's erogenous zones in Leela's new book and I agree that encompasses most of a woman's body !) While the sensual experience drastically enhances the sexual, the 2 words are not interchangeable.
Sensual is all about inhabiting my body by being truly alive to my 5 senses. Allowing my fingers to hungrily take in the texture of the soft grass with as much awareness as they would take in my lover's skin, and noticing the internal response as my body receives this information. When I adjust my vision to receive the nuances of colors, shape, and beauty all around me, again my body responds to this. As each one of my senses reaches out to drink in the world outside of me, there is a world of sensation activated inside of me. In realizing this, every moment is a sensual experience just waiting for me to notice it.
Over the centuries we as women have been taught that our sensual nature is one of our weaknesses. Many religions encourage us to transcend the body, telling us that this is just a shell that holds us back from all things spiritual. The message has been and still is, "Just ignore it, the body can't be trusted. Our bodies are messy, they leak strange liquids, and smells, not to mention desires."
We've become masters at shutting down, checking out, and turning off our beautiful body signals.
The mind has taken over. We're relying on the mind's assumptions based on random data that's been installed in us over the years instead listening to the TRUTH OF OUR BODIES! This causes us so much unnecessary suffering.
This body betrayal, this loss of sensuality has stripped us of our power! We're suffering from eating disorders and obesity, unfulfilling sex lives, fatigue, and more. We're oblivious to the subtle clues of disease until advanced stages and symptoms rob us of health and sometimes life all together.
In Vividly Woman this is the first of 3 Power Centers we come home to, our Sensual Power Center! On this healing journey we discover what true feminine power means, Sensual, Emotional, and Intuitive Power. We identify what is blocking us from our power, so we can reclaim what is innately ours, and start living the passionate purposeful lives we've hardly even dared dream.
At Dance Your Power you have 3 amazing days on an experiential journey of your own Sensual, Emotional, and Intuitive Power. We use ritual, sacred Circle, Dance, and more to melt through the blocks that keep you suffering. Join us in the beauty of nature and in the safety of a small group of women like yourself who are ready to start living powerfully!
What's holding you back?