F**k Perfect!


Proceed with caution...
This is where it gets raw and real. Ready to experience the messy human state in all it's guts and grandeur?

No apologies, no self help manuals, just the gritty truth of my own perfectly imperfect unreasonable journey.

Permission to be authentic? Granted!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Just FEEL it already!

Emotions? Feelings? Oh those silly sloppy sloshy unmentionables. Yeah well here I go mentioning them, so brace yourself!

The voice of inner bitch right now is saying that for me to be writing this blog on Emotional Power is the height of hypocrisy. I'm going for it anyway! Maybe this is just good old fashioned divine comedy.

I've been in emotional turmoil again. It doesn't stop does it? Just when I'm settling into a smooth groove, thinking "Oh yeah baby, I got this!" I start to take my light hearted mood for granted, my limitless confidence seems unwavering, right up until it wavers. 

We've been taught that as women our emotions are another weakness. 

I'll be honest, nothing makes me feel weaker than the unpleasant side of the emotional spectrum. To truly allow myself to crumble, cry and FEEL whats there is terrifying, AND it's a form of power. I know it sounds backassward right? I promise you it takes far more courage to be present and honest with these emotions than it does to ignore, deny, check out, and go numb. (Especially that most despicable emotion, you know the one... jealousy!) Here's the straight up truth: that poker face tough girl stuff is for pussies. (ahem, I mean kitties. Just ask Betty. ) 

In Vividly Woman we define Emotional Power as the freedom to feel and the mastery to choose what we do with that emotion. I know, right?! Go back read it again, I'll wait.

When I don't cry the tears or scream the rage, it's still there, an undercurrent of passive aggressive behavior sabotaging me. Emotions are just energy, another form of information. The key piece here is choosing when, where, and what to do with this information. It's energy that wants to move, when it's trapped in our bodies it becomes issues in our tissues, dis ease or disease.

Why is this important? (Beyond disease prevention) one word: Relationships.

Whether you're an entrepreneurial  business heroine, stay at home mama, or ahem human being, relationships are key to your success. Relationships are all about emotional integrity. 

At Dance Your Power we offer you to an intimate experience of your own Sensual, Emotional, and Intuitive Power Centers. We create an opportunity for you to identify whats blocking you from your power!

Successful healthy happy relationships are a result of emotional power claimed and activated! 

Go ahead break down, let er rip...see what's on the other side of that emotional outpouring. I dare you.