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"Dissolve Me" collage by Kara McKay "In a perfect world, what do you want?"
he asked me as I was collecting every part of me in a desperate collaborative effort just to breathe. Mere survival was the peak of my aspirations.
Then I caught sight of my soul. She was shimmering and earnest. Hovering above the strangling tourniquet of polarities: good and bad, positive and negative, wrong or right.
In my human body the pain of emotion had become corporeal, almost doubling me over. My little lizard brain squealing like a pig bound for slaughter.
Archetypically speaking I have a cast of characters starring in this mortal theater show. Really an introduction is in order for the rest of this to make a lick of sense.
With no further ado...
The Queen: A benevolent, regal matriarch, she powerfully and almost humbly rules the Earth. (no really, she does)
My girl: If tantrums could walk and talk... she is pouty and fierce in her self righteous indignation. Soothed only by warm loving arms willing to scoop her up and hold her close.
The Lover: Cleopatra, Dark chocolate, Mae West, cashmere, Catherine the Great, caramel, Mata Hari, Delilah, Eve (yes the first one)...
The Bodyguard: Boots, dark glasses, a glock...That's right bitch, back off!
The Rebel: Joan of Arc told me I could if I want to! Everyone else is doing it, why should I? Don't think I can? Watch me!
The Mother: Come here baby, let me fix it for you! I'll wipe your tears, rub your back, make you dinner, fold your clothes, run my fingers through your hair, lay your head on my chest, in my lap... I got you baby, ssshhhhhh sleep now my love.
The She Hitler: *shivers* I hate to use this word, but there's no other word for her (cover your eyes) Cunty. Yep that's this nasty broad's MO! I will destroy you, for I am the pure unrivaled mistress of Evil. I will find your every weakness. I will exploit, torture, and defile you. (I have to go wash my hands after typing this.)
The Wise Woman/ Witness/ The Observer: The Wholly silent MC. Creating the space, suspending judgement, granting unconditional permission and forgiveness. She watches with the compassion of Kuan Yin, the great Eye in my Sky *winking at me*
That's my lead cast. There's more. The Mystic, the Saboteur, the High on Molly Cheerleader, and the rest of em are begging for real estate here in the credits, but since this is a blog and not the encyclopedia of Kara's lunacy and lineage, I'll stop the intros there. (The supporting cast is infinite as far I can tell.)
In my Ego's perfect world, my Queen has sovereignty. This is a one woman act!
Here's the thing: My sweet precious honey of a soul is here for the whole experience. She wants it all, every last drop of lust, laughter, heart break, fury, and longing. I see her stretching, pushing into each emotion, and tasting them like candy.
My judgement of and resistance to these messy less evolved faces of me is preposterous to my Soul as they give her admission to the Cirque du Human Show.
So there I was publicly becoming what I deemed the most hideous shamed thing I could imagine. Total loss of perceived dignity. The deformed and stunted gnarly parts of me were there in the open. He saw them. I saw them, through my tears. Despite my lizard brain doomsday threats. I stayed there, open, vulnerable, and present. (I lived to tell!)
On that bloody edge of uncomfortable frontier. My Wise Woman emerged, observing and holding space for the tantrum and the contraction. Her light of consciousness cradled even these as sacred. They expressed, unfurled, and were granted asylum. (NO, not that kind of asylum, smart ass!) An amazing thing beyond mere survival took place. My wise woman became even wiser.
In a perfect world what do I want?
I guess I want this.
An uninterrupted stream of ripening. There is no rush, no race.
What experience is your sweet soul crafting? Are you willing sit down and watch and feel the show? Grab a tissue!