F**k Perfect!


Proceed with caution...
This is where it gets raw and real. Ready to experience the messy human state in all it's guts and grandeur?

No apologies, no self help manuals, just the gritty truth of my own perfectly imperfect unreasonable journey.

Permission to be authentic? Granted!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Your Man is Not One of Your Bitches

Ladies I am about to spit diamonds at you, listen up!

1.) Your man is not one of your bitches. (I'm owning that word today!)

 Of course you want him to give one rat's ass about your girl gossip, or which belt looks better with that top. If he cried at that one commercial, you know the one. If he wanted to decorate the house with you for the holidays, if he noticed when you had your ends trimmed, and layers touched up. Or if he’d answer your 51 word text with more than 3 words. That would be perfect right? Wrong.

You want a woman, go get yourself one! Just ask my Lesbos, they know, it isn’t just about the sex, hello!

All the feminine details, or as the guys call it, Drama. Save it for your posse. If you’re going to tell him a story- give him the man version, get to the point, or don’t be pissed when he’s yawning.

 Stop bitching about what he’s NOT doing. When you expect him to be one of your girls you’re not able to see the gifts he does have to offer.

2.) He doesn’t want you to be perfect. 

That’s your own trip, stop projecting it onto him! F**k perfect.

You may want to lose your love handles, chances are he doesn’t care. Maybe that first night he saw you shaking your sweet thang you thought it was the hot dress you had on or the way you did your hair that drew him in. Nope. It was your essence, your aliveness, the way you danced like no one was watching and  laughed out loud with your posse. He glimpsed your soul and that’s what hooked him.

Your man is your man, stop with your emasculating expectations!

You want to turn him on? You want to be so sexy he can barely breathe. Do a Striptease, girl, take off your pretense, all your trying, seduce him with your own stunning soul!