What would they say if they knew? How am I pulling this off
anyway? There was a time when I believed my business plan was like an
architects blue print. I put my neat tidy plan on paper, and… SO BE IT! As if
this entrepreneurial gig was a paint by numbers kit.
I’ll be the first to admit I have an extraordinary life, and
I have lovingly, intentionally, and haphazardly made it happen. On those
mornings when Oprah is interviewing me in the bathroom mirror with the curling
iron microphone, I’m invited to answer the same quintessential question, “So
Kara, tell the world, just how do you do it?”
How do I keep this radical wilderness of amazing afloat? With
duct tape, safety pins, and unicorn feathers of course!
No really! Today my life and my business are nothing more
than a kindergartner’s craft project. Don’t be fooled by my glitter. Yeah, yeah
thankfully some days it’s a Burning Man magnum opus at sunset. My point being
it’s all art, as fierce and fragile as my own heart.
If they knew, they’d take away my licenses, all of them, the
irresponsibility police would have me cuffed and sentenced in minutes. Don’t
worry, I’m not relying on this recycled yogurt container half filled with bio
diesel. What really keeps this ship in motion is the enormous brilliantly colored
plume of my possibility parachute. Running on the hot air of positive happen
stance, serendipity, and “I hoped that would happen”, oh don’t forget the blood
sweat and tears!
Security is the ultimate illusion. That being said, of course
I would like to have more of it. Yet there is aliveness here in the
unknowingness. It’s refreshing to look life in the eye and say, “I don’t know,
and I choose not to figure it out. Instead I’ll ask myself what do I want to
create here? I’m casting my nets and we’ll see what I pull in this time.” (I
know I’m a business coach’s worst nightmare.)
For most of us entrepreneurs it’s the passion, the dream,
the wildness of doing it our own way that keeps us tenacious in the face of
fatalistic contrary naysayers. Or maybe it’s the grasp of truth, knowing we’d
wither and implode at the prospect of being anyone else’s bitch. Just one side
glance glimpse of Dilbert reality makes our scotch taped construction paper
professionalism sexy all over again!
What I’m trying to say here is I know your little secret! I
know you don’t have it all together, I write the same dirty little hush-hush in
my journal. Knowing that makes you all the more alluring. The fact that you
boldly go where you’ve never gone before, that you buck the system and forge
your own path, the fact that you wake up every day unsure but inspired makes me
love you soooooo much!
I raise my glass to you! Thank you for making it happen
despite all odds. Thanks for not listening to your parents and peers, for
running with scissors, going stag to the Prom, and making crazy unruly love to
life! You are my Shero!