F**k Perfect!


Proceed with caution...
This is where it gets raw and real. Ready to experience the messy human state in all it's guts and grandeur?

No apologies, no self help manuals, just the gritty truth of my own perfectly imperfect unreasonable journey.

Permission to be authentic? Granted!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

4 faces of the I AM Body

All 4 aspects of being (on most days) as perceived by yours truly...
Mental or Intellectual body: This "Moe" is used to running the show! She's the supah star, the hostess with the mostest, Your mad mama, your very own Judge Judy, our Lady Linear, da BOSS, and although She is vital, full of knowledge and has archives of experience, She's not ALL that and a bag of chips, HOWEVER she is capable of consciousness. Her favorite line is "I know." Are you the master of your mind, or the slave?
Emotional body: Hi five to your inner surfer, wave rider, wild child. She is unpredictable to say the least, the original shape shifter, age drifter, her symbol is the lava lamp, her totem? Every face of the totem pole! She is a rebel with a cause.... to be deeply felt! She will not be silenced, ignored, or bored! "wanna play?" When is the last time you embraced her?
Spiritual body: Pure unrivaled sacred Self! The bees knees, the first gasp of ecstasy, Ms Matrix, the Creatrix! Femme Vitale, (on the first day she created chocolate), Spiral Sister, Essential Potential, Authentic You, Truth, force and flow of life, your very own Magdalene, She who flirts with God. She whispers, "Listen". How do you stay connected to Her?
Physical body: Every body love your body! After all she is constantly created (from the inside out) by the Spiritual seamstress, while hosting the Diva of data and her moody side kick. An amazing masterpiece in the flesh. More than a bag o' bones or blood 'n' guts, a pleasure dome, macrocosm, microcosm, a museum of movement, temple of the Temptress, a living wonder, an ongoing sensual experiment, complete package, the REAL DEAL! She begs you, "don't hate me...*sigh* because I am beautiful, no really I AM." What are you manifesting in your Body?
Each unique aspect of our being responds to different tools, techniques, and tickles. I have been exploring, stealing, and divining these for years now! As we work and play together you will acquire these tools and begin to create your own collection. (nope no patten on them yet, if it works- USE IT!)