F**k Perfect!


Proceed with caution...
This is where it gets raw and real. Ready to experience the messy human state in all it's guts and grandeur?

No apologies, no self help manuals, just the gritty truth of my own perfectly imperfect unreasonable journey.

Permission to be authentic? Granted!

Friday, June 22, 2012

What does your Body have to say about this?

I sat exhausted by the on going argument in my mind. I felt such a deep longing to continue in this feminine work. The Dance Your Power weekend had been homecoming for my soul.

The music echoed in me, stirring emotions and inviting my body to move in new unrestricted ways. The time I spent outdoors, inhaling the rich scent of forest, the wind on my skin, and cool spongy earth underfoot reconnected me to my wild self. I flirted with nature. Unplugged from computers and cell phone, I plugged into another kind of web, one that soothed and imparted ancient wisdom. Here I found my vitality and playfulness restored.

I didn’t understand it all, and I wasn’t able to eloquently articulate my craving for more.

With the offering of more in front of me, all my mind could churn out was the financial digits and obligations:

Pay off mortgage
IRA’s and stocks
College fund

I remembered a tool I had in my coach’s box. Gathering my wits about me I blew off the dust and put it to use.

What was my body telling me to do?

My body gave a loud clear yes. I used the Body Sourcing tool again at my doubting mind's insistence. Definitely YES! The yes was beyond question.

Now my only choice was to trust my body’s wisdom over the calculated cynical data of my mind. That day I decided to trust.

Logically it made no sense to invest in another training. I already had a few coaching and leadership certifications under my belt, and those hadn’t paid off yet, so why say yes to this one?

We had a clear financial map laid out and this training was not on the map, in fact it would mean a significant detour.

In the years that followed, the economic crisis hit the states. Decimating the value of our homes. A good portion of our retirement was sucked into the black hole of wall streets implosion. The college funds became a source of back up income.

Only one investment I made was rock solid. The Vividly Woman Embodied Leadership training. It lives in my cells. It has not only transformed my life was but is rippling out of me to transform other women’s lives. Body Sourcing had led me to my truth. This truth was now serving me in ways I could never have imagined, finally a return on my investment!

I look back and shudder at the possibility of not heeding my body’s call. If I had let my mind be the master that day, it would have been a few more coins tossed in the toilet of America’s economic bowl and I would have been left only with this ache for more and another regret.

Learning the language of our bodies, and then trusting the wisdom we find there is a key component of the work I do as a Life&Body Coach and a Vividly Woman facilitator.

Contact me for a Discovery session. Discover what may be holding you back. Kara@Sacredsassy.com.

P.S. We still have spots available for October's Dance Your Power! Reserve your spot now!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Speak up Sister!

It was my day! The live music from 2 of my favorite dancing bands, Ruby Dee and The Snake Handlers, and The Dusty 45's had the place whirling with sweaty smiling swing dancers. 300 of our favorite people had arrived to eat, drink and make merry at our big bash wedding reception. I was having the time of my life, right up until I heard my name announced. I was being invited on stage to introduce my dear friend and amazing dancer, Helene Eriksen and her dances of the East. "Do what? TALK?" *gulp*. My insides began to quiver, my heart galloped, and my mouth went dry as the Sahara. I felt my feet walking my body up there. My hand was holding the mike. There I stood, paralyzed, frozen, the only parts of me moving were the woozy melting of my insides. 
SILENCE. More of the long awkward eternal pause... 
Nothing came out of me. Thankfully Ruby Dee recognized this was going nowhere fast and swooped in to save the day. I don't remember much beyond that, I was surprised and confused. What just happened? I'm not a shy girl, where did my voice go? What just happened, or I guess, didn't happen? 

That was 6 yrs ago. It was a big loud embarrassing wake up call and the catalyst to part of the journey I've been on ever since:
Finding my voice, trusting the value of my message, and staying in my body all the while!

On the path of embodiment, we open our intuitive center and we unlock our voice. This is far more than just speaking our mind. We begin to trust our own connection to Source and understand our message matters! 

The 5 textures are a superb tool to support the evolution of communication.

5 Textures of Communication

Sense: sensing your message and noticing the felt body sensations of your words. (before you say them.)
Sensing outward to know if this person is open to receiving your message. 
Ground: surrendering to the truth of you own words, trusting
Mobilize: from a place of deep meaning, you move into the action of speaking
Harness: breath pause, plenty of time, noticing where you have an agenda, becoming centered again and again. 
Express: Speaking consciously from your whole being in confidence, and love. 

Open to earnestly listen 

Sense: Sensing inward, finding your center, a place neutrality. Noting is there charge, agenda, expectation? Staying present to Self and Other.
Ground: Dropping your roots, surrendering a need to be right. Staying present to Self and Other.
Mobilize: Connecting to the meaning of this relationship, the meaning of this conversation. Opening in the 3 power centers, to whole body listening, active listening. Staying present to Self and Other.
Harness: Breathing, resisting an urge to defend. Staying curious. Allowing his words to land. Staying present to Self and Other.
Express: Gratitude for his expression. Conscious of the space/container you're creating for safe expression to unfold.  Staying present to Self and Other.

Is your message being heard?