F**k Perfect!


Proceed with caution...
This is where it gets raw and real. Ready to experience the messy human state in all it's guts and grandeur?

No apologies, no self help manuals, just the gritty truth of my own perfectly imperfect unreasonable journey.

Permission to be authentic? Granted!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Can you feel me now?

Empathy: The ability to share and understand the feelings of another.

As I write this I knowingly risk the wrath of half the new age world. And yet…I feel compelled to throw a rock at this glass house that perpetuates separation, and what occurs to me as a sly form of spiritual arrogance.

Tears that are not my own are dripping off my chin, walking through a crowd and being hit with a wave of anxiety, or suddenly struck with fury like a lightening bolt at random are a part of everyday life for those of us who are emotionally and energetically sensitive.

The label “empath” has been hot stuff these last few years. I’ve heard it til my ears bled. Sometimes it’s used in the same way one might explain a serious food allergy.
 “Well you see I can’t attend that event, there’s just too many people and because I’m an empath I just can’t take it.”
Kinda victimy eh?
Other times it’s worn like a crown.
“Yes I know exactly what they’re going through, you see because I’m an empath I can feel all your emotions and theirs.”
Ummm they lost their child, I’m pretty sure you don’t know exactly what they’re going through.
The most common concern I hear is, “I’ve got to protect myself from all those other people’s emotions.”

*Soap box central, watch out I’m letting it rip now!*

Emotions are contagious. We’re all swimming in a sea of emotions, moving together through this slushy sentimental soup. Perhaps you are not the home of origin for that particular emotion. Do you feel it now? Then guess what…it’s yours! You can choose to resist it, or make up a story about how, why, and who this emotion really belongs to, as if you could package it up marked “return to sender”.

Hold your hat I’m about to offer an outrageous new possibility. Take it or leave it, but please at the very least consider this:

What if you are not just some flimsy lil helpless recipient? Could it be that you are a competent powerful loving light being who can take it, what comes your way? Maybe that amazing big juicy heart of yours isn’t just for the breaking, but rather it’s a sturdy unstoppable filtration system, one that was made to return the yuck of the world back into love.

Imagine walking through life with your guard down, your beautiful robust heart open, smiling your ass off at everyone you meet, because you actually don’t have to be that afraid of those people and their emotions. What if you got the hell out of your own way and allowed yourself to be as powerful as you came here to be?

So you’re an empath? Great let’s get to work. Step up. Get out of your head and into your heart. It’s time love fearlessly!