F**k Perfect!


Proceed with caution...
This is where it gets raw and real. Ready to experience the messy human state in all it's guts and grandeur?

No apologies, no self help manuals, just the gritty truth of my own perfectly imperfect unreasonable journey.

Permission to be authentic? Granted!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Wild Child Where Are You?

I know you're all grown up now. You haven't played dress up in years. (not that kinda dress up anyway.) You don't eat the frosting off your cupcake and the leave the rest anymore. Hell you don't even eat cupcakes. You floss regularly. Really, you do? Wow I'm impressed.

Doesn't matter. That little, funny, silly, sometimes bratty, mischievous, wild child is still alive and kicking inside of all your alleged maturity. 

Time to check in. Say hello! 

 Hi five to your inner surfer, wave rider, wild child. She is unpredictable to say the least, the original shape shifter, age drifter, her symbol is the lava lamp, her totem? Every face of the totem pole! She is a rebel with a cause.... to be deeply felt! She will not be silenced, ignored, or bored! She's right there asking all day, e'er day, "Hey Wanna play?"

Got it? Good.