resolution |ˌrezəˈloō sh ən|
1 a firm decision to do or not to do something : a New Year's resolution.
intention |inˈten ch ən|
1 a thing intended; an aim or plan . • ( one's intentions) a person's designs.
goal |gōl|
• the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result : going to law school has become the most important goal in his life.
• the destination of a journey.
1) Where do I want to be in my life next year?
2) What kinds of things do I see myself doing?
3) What areas of my life have I been neglecting?
4) Am I happy in my relationship?
5) Am I happy in my home?
6) Am I happy in my career?
Now that you’ve got the mental pot stirred up…
Take 5 minutes to brain storm, write freely about the changes you feel inspired to consider. Don’t over think it. You can not do it wrong, just go for it, let er rip!
Now for the magic formula:
Mental: Some of what you wrote is going to be trash, and as you wade through the trash you’ll find some gems. Jot down what feels most important to you. Pay attention to the wording. Focus on what you are moving toward, rather what you are leaving behind.
Ex: I am quitting my job.
I am starting a new exciting job that I love in the field of (insert your data), on or before (insert date)!
Emotional : Check in, say the goal out loud, how does it FEEL? If it feels like B.S., it’ll never happen. Adjust it, keep it realistic, keep tweaking it until it feels possible. Add language that ignites you. Dress it up with adjectives and adverbs that bring your emotions to life.
Ex: I am going to travel more this year.
I am traveling to Troncones, Mexico and attending that awesome retreat, “Sacred Sensual Splendor”, everyone’s been raving about. I’m going to swim in warm water, body surf, dance, play on a beautiful open beach, and eat gourmet authentic Mexican cuisine!
Feel the difference?
Spiritual: Spend a few minutes letting the dust of the day settle. Just breathe. If you notice your mind chattering away, just observe, don’t believe it, judge, it, or try to stop it. Let your belly swell with air and draw your belly button back into your spine, exhale nice and loud with a sigh.
Let the waters of your being calm down. Think of a stormy raging ocean, that being the stress we hold onto. You could throw a semi truck into it that water and no one would notice.
Visualize and feel the waters calming. See a clear placid pond. Even a tiny pebble tossed in would be heard, as the tiny waves ripple out across the water.
That is the difference of 2 inner states of being. When you are distracted or stressed your intention is swallowed by the storm from within.
If you take a few minutes to rest, breathe, and become centered, your intention is noticed. It’s vibration ripples through you and out into the universe.
Each day take a few minutes to center yourself.
Gratitude is a key ingredient! Pause to gratefully notice all that is working. Take inventory of everything that is going well.
Review your intentions. Visualize your results. Be sure to feel your success. Emotions energize your intentions and remind you of why this is important to you!
I like to think of this as setting your GPS or recalibrating each day. This keeps your intentions in your field awareness. When opportunity arises you’re awake to take action.
Develop a practice of taking at least 5 minutes each day to do this. If you miss a day, oh well. Start again. This will be the single most important intention or resolution you will ever cultivate in your life!
Your thoughts + emotions + actions = results!
Question of the day: What is the most important thing I can do today to align with my intentions?
Do that 1 thing. Each day, just one thing. Small sustainable steps will keep you from burning out.
Remember it’s about the journey. It has to be enjoyable if you’re going to stick with it!
Take a look at what is working in your life. Celebrate your successes! Success breeds success. What you focus on grows!
Happy New Year!